Saturday, June 1, 2013


Our motto is: When you have a wish you have thousand possibilities, when you do not have a wish, you have thousand excuses.

What is a participation in Shell eco-marathon (SEM) - international student competition, for our team? First of all to be first!  First team from Ukraine and  post-soviet countries who started making racing eco-cars and taking part in SEM competitions. First who created and patented vehicle body made ​​of composite materials in Ukraine.

Our participation in SEM is a good opportunity for Ukrainians to learn more about new standards of energy-efficient technologies, safety and environmental standards. I hope our team show a good example of how to make our country more environmentally efficient.

Sometimes it is not easy to be the first. Unfortunately Ukrainian society has not accepted idea of caring about  the environment and careful attitude to the production and consumption of energy yet. That is why we find a lot of misunderstanding from other people. We try to make our work as open as possible, we created a team blog, participate in different exhibitions and PR activities, conduct study tours  to the team's lab. Usually we have more than hundred media publications about our team during the year. This attention from public and mediahelpsus to spread the principles of eco-marathon in Ukraine, and helps to find new financial partners for our team.

The participation of the first Ukrainian team in the SEM is fully students project in which the team of young designers created the project of special eco-car, found sponsors for the creation of the car, made a strategy for participation in the competition and found a companies that provided financial supportfor participation in 2010, 2011 and 2013.  The main distinguishing characteristic of our project from other engineering student projects in the CIS countries is that we make it without financial participation of team members.

For each of us participating in SEM team  is a great experience in the real technical project in which everyone can realize his or her potential. We are enthusiastic about the future, and we believe that soon after our team team -participants from other universities from Ukraine will join us for SEM.

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