The advantages our partners get:
- Positioning you company as a leader in supporting innovative technologies.
- Placement of company logo on the car.
- Opportunity to use image of car, pilots and other attributes of the team as well as information about the team in your marketing materials.
- Participation of the car in the PR events of the company.
- Every member of the team will wear uniform with logo of your company.
- Placement of logo and advertisement motto on the marketing materials of the team: posters, booklets, calendars and other.
- Wide media coverage in European media (over 160 media attend the SEM in 2010) and Ukrainian media (over 100 coverage about the team were released during first 2 month after car’s debut). Pilots and all members of the team will mention your company as a partner being interviewed by media.
- We will place company’s boards, banners and flags at the all stages of the competition where team takes part in. Placement will be arranged in service places interesting for media except places reserved by organizer.